- Girl gets fancy-schmancy smartphone.
- Girl drops fancy-schmancy smartphone, in the toilet.
- Fancy-schmancy smartphone is now a fancy-schmancy paperweight that smells like soap and sanitizer.
- Girl decides she's probably not quite ready for a fancy-schmancy cell phone, or the bill that comes along with it, so girl goes back to boring old flip phone.
****Fast-forward to a year, or two, later....
- Girl decides she needs fancy-schmancy smartphone back in her life.
- Girl finds great deal and snags herself a new fancy-schmancy smartphone.
- One week later, girl's husband drops fancy-schmancy smartphone and fancy-schmancy smartphone imprint can still be seen on back of girl's husband's head.
- Girl decides it's not worth the money to replace, as cellphone carrier insurance plans are now not insurance plans as we once knew them, but only discount plans in case you drop, drown, or destroy your fancy-schmancy cellphone. With that said, girl decides to forego fancy-shmancy replacement phone.
****Fast-forward to the next year....
- Girl saves up some extra money and decides she'll try fancy-schmancy smartphone yet again.
- Girl gets an awesome new LG G3 and loves it.
- One week later, girl puts awesome new LG G3 in her lap on her way to work.
- Girl needs caffeine in order to complete the drive.
- Girl gets out of vehicle, forgetting that awesome new LG G3 is in lap.
- Girl hears *SMACK* on ground
- R.I.P. awesome new LG G3
- Girl is over it.
- Girl finds spectacular deal on awesome(r) LG G4.
- Carrier agrees to buy out old contract and the formerly known as awesome LG G3 phone, even though it's demolished.
- Girl is now the proud owner of a spectacularly awesome LG G4 with awesome features, like a 16 megapixel rear camera, 8 megapixel front camera, 32 GB memory, 4G technology, long-lasting battery and more.
- Girl gets offer to try Loroc'e LG G4 Tempered Glass Screen Protector at a huge discount in exchange for an honest review.
- It's a no-brainer, girl gladly accepts offer.
- Girl orders her new screen protector from Amazon, receives it, applies it perfectly by following the easy-to-read guide which accompanies the product.
- Girl has dropped her spectacularly awesome LG G4 multiple times since receiving.
- Girl's spectacularly awesome LG G4 has been saved from harm multiple times as a result of the Loroc'e LG G4 Tempered Glass Screen Protector.
- Girl has learned her lesson.
Has this ever happened to you? Chances are, you've dropped your cell phone at least once, and may or may not had the misfortune of destroying it as a result. I'm glad to announce, however, that you, too, can experience the LG G4 Screen Protector at the BEST discount ever.... FREE! That's right, I've been given the opportunity to share this wonderful product with 3 of my readers! Don't be "that girl" (or guy)... Take the opportunity to enter the rafflecopter below and protect your precious phone!
*Open to U.S. only
a Rafflecopter giveaway
When my shoulder was broken I tripped and my new iPhone went flying into the toilet
ReplyDeleteI can actually see this happening. I'm sorry. I mean, I'm not laughing AT you.... but I'm laughing....
DeleteMy cat acts like Godzilla when he gets hungry - goes around knocking everything on the floor from counters, shelves, etc - soooooo my phone was one of his victims....CRACK!!
ReplyDeleteI try to feed him on a more regular basis now. :D
I don't have pets, but my kids seem to do the exact same thing. I too, feed them on a more regular basis now as well. ;)