Sunday, July 26, 2015

Amara Organics Retinol Cream Review

In the past week, I have been asked by 3 of my closest friends, "What are you doing differently to your skin?" While I have had made a lot of changes recently in regard to skincare and overall health and wellness, I must give a large amount of credit to Amara Organics Retinol Cream 2.5% w/Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamins E and B5.

In addition to performing every bit as much or perhaps even better (in my opinion) than it's higher-priced competitors, I won't go broke in my efforts to keeping the Amara Organics Retinol Cream a regular part of my beauty regime.  

The cream is packed full of ingredients known to promote healthy skin and fight against the effects of aging, including but not limited to aloe vera, retinol, and hyaluronic acid.  These ingredients have proved themselves by leaving me with brighter, healthier looking skin.  My skin, which had become increasingly drier in recent years, is once again smooth and firm, with a glowing appearance.  

If you are interested in improving the look and feel of your skin, be sure to find Amara Organics on Amazon and order a bottle for yourself!

Estilo #Spapillow Review

*This post contains at least one affiliate link

There's almost nothing as relaxing and enjoyable as a warm, sudsy bubble bath at the end of a long, stressful work day. Would you agree? For me, the perfect bubble bath consists of adding my favorite scented bubble bath, Twilight Woods from Bath and Body Works, as I fill up my tub with warm water. The soothing, creamy, musky scent of the Twilight Woods fragrances is instantly calming and relaxes me for the evening. I normally light a couple candles, dim the lights, and escape to my own little world for about 30 minutes before re-joining my family to end the evening together. I recently received the Estilo Luxury Bath and Spa Pillow in exchange for my honest review.  It was certainly a delightful addition to my evening bath, as it provided an element of comfort behind my neck as I rest my head back against the wall while relaxing in the tub.  In fact, before trying the pillow, my only complaint about a bubble bath was the fact that I had nowhere to rest my head comfortably.  Now that I've had the opportunity to try it, I don't know that I could ever take a bath without one again!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Federico's Microfiber #WashMitt Review

Washing the cars is probably one of the most enjoyable outdoor summertime group-effort chores in my household. When it's time to wash the car, everyone works! We assign the inside to 1-2 children, the tires to the other and 2 of us wash and rinse the cars.  We rotate duties so that everyone gets the opportunity to hold the "fun" position:  'Hose Master'.  Yep, there's a lot of giggles and playfulness, and someone's bound to get wet, while most importantly, the cars get cleaned!  This week, we had the opportunity to clean our cars with a new toy that I received for free in exchange for my honest review:  Federico's Microfiber Wash Mitt.  The only problem was that while there are 5 of us, there are only two mitts in a box!  Nevertheless, Mom and Dad won this fight so that we could find out whether or not our new little orange assistants were worthy of joining our team!

Upon pulling the wash mitts out of the box, the first thing I noticed was how soft and cuddly they are (yes, I "cuddled" with my wash mitt, for those who are wondering).  Seriously though, the microfiber noodles are so soft, yet sturdy, that any concerns I might have had about my paint getting scratched as a result of using them was immediately eliminated.  Per the directions, before using the mitts, I threw them into the washing machine and dried them on low heat.

I think my kids asked, "Mooooooom, is it time to clean the car yet?" at least a hundred times before the mitts were done drying. I sure wish they were that eager about doing other chores.  Nevertheless, the time had come and we headed outside.  One of my only complaints about washing the car is the fact that I have to re-wet my sponge dozens of times in order to get the job done.  The absorbency of these mitts, however, is absolutely amazing.  Out of habit, I dunked my mitt into the suds a couple extra times, but these things hold the water so unbelievably well, I don't think it was really necessary.  When finished, we rinsed them out and hung them up to dry.  I was pretty impressed that once dry, they looked as new as they did coming out of the box, and were ready for the next use.  My kids have already put in their requests for their own mitts as well, so looks like we'll be adding several of our new helpers to our team very soon!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Azure Naturals - Ultimate Ocean Minerals ****GIVEAWAY****

Guess what!?! It's my very first giveaway, and I'm so excited!!! I've recently been given the opportunity to try the Azure Naturals - Ocean Minerals product line in exchange for my review, and with that, the opportunity to give this set of 4 amazing products to one of my awesome readers!

If you're anything like me, in your 20's (again), with a desire to refresh and rejuvenate your skin in an effort to maintain a youthful glow for as long as possible, then you'll love the opportunity to add these must-have products to your beauty supply closet.  Here's what's included in this wonderful prize package:

Ultimate Ocean Mineral - Organic Facial Cleanser  -  This powerful, yet gentle cleanser is designed to renew and repair while promoting collagen production in an effort to restore firmness and elasticity.  

Ultimate Ocean Mineral - Organic Hydration Creme -  There's something about the words "ultimate," "organic," and "hydration" that draw me to these products.  Just the combination of those words together evoke thoughts of healthy, moisturized, hydrated, soft-to-the-touch skin.  This non-greasy moisturizer penetrates deep into your skin, locking in moisture and leaving a healthy, refreshing glow.

Ultimate Ocean Mineral - Organic Facial Toner -  The facial toner is designed to work harmoniously with the other products in an effort to refresh and renew, creating brighter and more youthful skin. 

Ultimate Ocean Mineral - Seaweed Hydration Mask -  I've been a fan of hydration masks for as long as I remember.  There's nothing like the refreshing feeling left after applying a mask.  The pleasant scent evokes a peaceful feeling as you relax and wait for the mask to dry.  Afterwards, you'll be amazed by the results of softer, firmer, glowing skin.

I'm super excited to have this opportunity to share these fantastic products with you, and hope you enjoy these great products as much as I have!  

If you can't wait for the giveaway and must-have the products NOW, click on the product links to order, or visit Azure Naturals at  

Good Luck!!!

*The sponsor retains responsibility for prize fulfillment.  However, should any questions or concerns arise, please let me know and I will work my best to assist in resolving any issues.

U.S. only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, July 20, 2015

LaNouvel Cellular Hyaluronic Acid Nutri Serum Review

If you have a high interest in anti-aging products like I do, you probably can't go a day without hearing or seeing a discussion about hyaluronic acis, and with good reason.... it's AMAZING. Hyaluronic acid is said to have a myriad of health benefits, but in regard to skin care, it's often said to:

When it comes to skincare products containing the ingredient, hyaluronic acid, the LaNouvel Cellular Hyaluronic Acid Nutri Serum is probably my favorite product I've had the opportunity to use to date. Since I started using it a few weeks ago, the furrow between my eyes has diminished to the point that I don't notice it anymore. I first started noticing the eyesore between my eyes at around age 37, and I'm now 41. Over the past few years, it's become deeper and more prominent. As one who wants to retain as youthful of an appearance as possible for as long as possible, the furrow was not a welcoming addition to my face. I've tried several products, but until I had the opportunity to try this serum, which I received at a reduced rate in exchange for my honest review, I had not noticed any significant changes.

Not only has this serum greatly reduced the appearance of the ugly furrow, I love everything about it, from the packaging to the scent to the way it feels against my skin. The consistency is a little thicker than most serums; More like a runny gel. It doesn't take much to cover my entire face, and it goes on smoothly, leaving silky, soft skin. When it dries, it is not sticky, making it very easy to apply my makeup over the top. I normally like to lock in my serums with a moisturizing lotion over the top before applying my makeup.

I would say the price is "competitive". While it's much lower than some expensive serums I've tried that don't work nearly as well, it's a little higher than I, a mother of three on a limited income, would like. However, the results are so amazing that I plan on making room for it in my budget!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Weight Loss Wednesday #1 - Skinny Teatox

The topic of today seems to be "weight loss".  With that said, I've decided that I'm going to dedicate EVERY Wednesday to discussing my own weight-loss journey along with fantastic weight loss and exercise tips. Bottom line is, I've allowed myself to gain an unhealthy amount of weight, already suffered one heart attack that, while not directly a result of my weight, was a result of my weight-loss efforts... and honestly, it's time to make a change.

One trend I've noticed seems to be increasing in popularity is detox diet plans, designed to jump-start the weight loss process by eliminating certain toxins from the body.  While I have yet to try a detox program to date, I know several people who swear by it.  With that said, I've been looking at trying the Skinny Teatox program, have you heard about it?

According to their website, Skinny Teatox consists of 100% natural ingredients designed to help you:

  • "Lose Weight"
  • "Burn Calories"
  • "Boost Metabolism"
  • "Cleanse"
  • "Detoxify"
  • "Suppress Appetite" and...
  • "Increase Energy Levels"

Sounds fantastic, doesn't it?  You can choose from a 7-day, 14-day or 28-day plan, all of which come with two different types of tea; A morning tea designed to boost metabolism and suppress your appetite, and an evening tea designed to cleanse and detox your body.  Starting at $35 for the 7-day program and going up to $60 for the 28-day program, the prices really aren't that bad.  I've seen some programs priced over $150 per month, so $60 seems like a bargain!

As if the benefits of this program aren't enough to encourage one to give this program a try, the folks at Skinny Teatox are currently hosting a giveaway featuring almost $1000 in Victoria's Secret goodies and the entire Skinny Teatox product line.  I don't know about you, but when I lose all the weight I expect to lose by year's end, I'll be ready for some special treats from VS!!

Full Time Energy Review

I don't know about men, but the older a woman gets, the more difficult it is to lose weight. The best advice I can give to women in their 30's or younger is to take care of your bodies NOW, because as you age, factors like hormones come into play and trust me... trying to lose it is no fun at all.  My weight has fluctuated from one extreme to the other for as long as I can remember.  However, since turning 20 the second time, I've had the most difficulty trying to lose weight. I have no problem gaining, and have reached the heaviest I've ever been, which includes the point where I was pregnant with twins who were delivered at 7.5 pounds each!

Over the past couple of years, I've approached dieting from numerous angles to no avail.  I am excited to start a new fitness journey soon, and plan on posting my progress in an effort to motivate myself and perhaps others.  Recently, however, I was offered the opportunity to try Full Time Energy Super Fruit and Berry Weight Loss Blend free of charge in exchange for my honest review. While I approach weight loss pills and supplements with caution, I figured I would give it a try.

Before I really get into the bulk of my review, I just want to take the opportunity to say that if you have any concerns or have any health issues, please contact your physician before using any weight loss supplements or energy boosters.  I say this from personal experience, as I ended up in the hospital in 2009, the day before Thanksgiving, with a heart attack that most likely resulted from the use of phentermine, a prescription strength weight-loss medication.  Furthermore, many weight loss supplements are designed to curb your appetite, and it's very easy to "forget" to eat.  If you want to lose weight the healthy way, it's important to maintain a healthy diet filled with plenty of protein and healthy fruits and vegetables.

As far as my opinion of Full Time Energy... it's ok.  I know, that's an incredibly bland description, but it's really all I've got.  I didn't lose weight, but I did have plenty of energy.  The product does contain a variety of supplements known to be beneficial for women of my age, such as:

Folate (as folic acid) - Some studies have indicated that folic acid may reduce the risk of high-blood pressure in aging women.  Other studies have indicated that folic acid may reduce the instance of hot flashes in menopausal women and may also reduce the risk of breast cancer as women age.

Vitamin B - Full Time Energy contains both B6 and B12, which are known to have a positive effect on mood, reducing anxiety and increasing energy.  It also includes Pantothenic Acid (aka Vitamin B5), s which breaks down fats and carbs and works to increase metabolism.

Garcinia Cambogia - An increasingly popular supplement often used in weight-loss efforts, garcinia cambogia is rumored to suppress appetites, boost metabolism and possibly decrease cholesterol.

The product also contains other supplements known to contribute to weight loss, including Green Coffee Bean Extract, Raspberry Keytone and Acai Berry, among others.

I liked that I don't have to pour this into a drink.  I normally don't like adding energy shots or flavors in general to water, and definitely don't like messing up my favorite drinks by mixing something else in (unless there's alcohol involved).  The taste reminded me of crushing a handful of Flinstone vitamins into a glass of raspberry lemonade... pleasantly unpleasant would be the way I would describe it. With Full Time Energy, all you need to do is throw down a capful or two in the morning and you're done for the day.  You can take another capful later in the day if you want, but should not exceed 3 in a 24-hour period.  For the first few weeks, the supplement will make you a bit jittery, therefore I wouldn't recommend taking it late in the day unless your goal is to stay up extra late.

The energy was fantastic.  I kicked ass on my "errand" and "housework" lists, dwindling them down to nearly nothing on some days, which hasn't happened in years.  Nevertheless, after almost a month of use, I didn't lose a single pound.  Furthermore, after a few weeks of use, my energy levels began to decrease once again.  Now granted, I was only taking one capful per day.  Should I choose to increase the amount of Full Time Energy to 2 capfuls, I'm quite sure I would find an increase in energy once again.  Nevertheless, due to my experience in 2009, I'm going to take this opportunity to back off instead of taking any additional risks.  However, for those who have maintained good health, exercise daily and maintain a good diet, this may be a fantastic supplement to assist in increasing metabolism and boosting energy.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Super Youth Eye Gel Review #OzNaturals

As I venture into my 20's for the second time, I've found myself far more concerned with skincare and preserving a youthful glow than I was the first time around. I truly took for granted the fact that I was blessed with incredibly good skin. As a teen, I never had acne, I've never experienced extra dry or oily skin, rashes or other dermatological issues. I also never took good care of my skin. Now, it is all catching up with me... Or, at least that's how I feel when I look into the mirror. With that said, I've taken an interest in learning everything I can about skincare and healthy habits in an effort to reverse the effects of aging to this point, and slow down the process altogether. I've been so fortunate recently to have the opportunity to try a variety of health and beauty products free or at discounted prices in exchange for my honest review. One of those products is the Super Youth Eye Gel from Oz Naturals.

Dark circles under the eyes seems to be an inherited trait in my family, and I'm sure that being a stress magnet has not helped. Ptosis is another common trait among the women in my family. The drooping of my eyelids started becoming pretty apparent in my late 20's (the first time), and I don't like it. I don't like it at all. I really hoped to see the Oz naturals product start working a little faster than it did, but that's my only complaint. Really, that's not a complaint at all, as I can be a patient person, and patience does, in fact, pay off. With that said, I was pleasantly surprised to see quite a significant difference after just three weeks of use. As you can see in the photos below, I had some pretty dark circles under my eyes to begin. While I can still see a tiny bit of darkness under my eye in the picture on the right, it is a huge difference. Furthermore, the skin around my eyes seems much firmer, and my upper eyelid appears to have a much stronger appearance.

 The product comes in a .5 oz pump. The gel has a thick consistency, and is very easy to apply. Just a tiny dollop can be spread around both of my eyes. It goes on smooth, without a trace of stickiness. I can easily apply my makeup and/or other products over the top of the gel. Perhaps the best part, is that with my Amazon Prime membership, I will be paying less than $20 for additional supplies, which is super awesome!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Learn How to Publish a Book with Tips from a Published Author

How many times have you been told, "you should write a book"?  Have you pondered the thought, but pushed it to the back of your mind simply because you're not sure where to start, or perhaps just afraid you might not succeed? Then, there are also those who have actually taken the time to create a manuscript, only to tuck it away because they don't know how to take that next step.

If writing and publishing a book were a simple task, everyone would do it, right? That's where the assistance of a writing coach often comes into play. In her 3-step video training series, "Full Speed Ahead," author Tracy Kauffman offers her expert advise to aspiring writers who have a dream of becoming a published author. In the training series, which I had the opportunity to view, free of charge in exchange for my opinion, she provides guidance and assistance on the topics of writing, publishing and marketing. With her expert tips, aspiring writers may be better prepared to send a final copy of their manuscript to a publisher with confidence that their opportunity to become a published author is just a step away!